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Sonic Amplifier
20 rounds per clip
1.25-second reload
Primary fire: Sonic Projectiles
Burst fire linear projectile type
20 damage per projectile
  4 projectiles per shot
  Max 80 bodyshot damage
1 burst per second
4 rounds per burst
50 m/s projectile speed
✔ Can headshot
Secondary fire: Soundwave
Knockback and damaging frontal area-of-effect type
25 damage
8 m range
4-second cooldown
✘ Cannot headshot
✘ Cannot inflict self knockback

Lúcio can hit his enemies with sonic projectiles or knock them back with a blast of sound.
Primary Fire Key: (PC LMB, PS R2, XB RT)
Secondary Fire Key: (PC RMB, PS L2, XB LT)


Lúcio's primary fire will fire 4 sonic projectiles that move at a medium speed; one shot costs 4 ammo. Each projectile deals 20 damage, inflicting total 80 damage if all 4 rounds hit. The projectiles can inflict headshots.

Lúcio's secondary fire will create a short-range soundwave that deals 25 damage and pushes back enemies a considerable distance, with increased force if fired in the direction the target is moving or if the target is close to Lúcio. Soundwave has a cooldown of 4 seconds.

4 rounds are always used each time with each use of primary fire, from an ammunition of 20. However, the firing animation can interrupted by using Quick Melee, resulting in fewer projectiles being fired.

Patch changes[]

  • Overwatchemblem black May 3, 2018 Patch:  Alternate Fire: No longer consumers ammo; Can now be used while reloading.
  • Overwatchemblem black April 11, 2017 Patch: Damage increased by 25%; Projectile speed increased from 40 to 50; Alternate fire now considers vertical orientation when knocking targets back
  • Overwatchemblem black March 8, 2016 (beta) Patch: Damage reduced by 25%, Projectile size slightly reduced
Lúcio Navigation
General MainQuotesGallerySkins and WeaponsSprays
Abilities Sonic AmplifierCrossfadeAmp It UpWall RideSound Barrier
Lore Organizations Vishkar Corporation
Character relationships Symmetra
Locations Rio de Janeiro
Others Synaesthesia AuditivaLúcioball
Media Articles Lúcio's World Tour -