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The Overwatch Winter Premiere was a professional Overwatch tournament hosted by NGE. The tournament began with an open tournament on December 10 and ended with the live finals during PAX South on January 28. The prize pool for the tournament is US$100,000.


Note: Cloud9 and FNATIC qualified for the tournament but opted out as they received invitations to play in OGN APEX Season 2. Citizen7 and FaZe Clan were filled in to replace the teams.
compLexity Gaming
Shake torkTJO Joemeister harbleu Winghaven NicolasTJO
protoges Alined Kayuun Dogman Peebimitsu Sypeh
iRemiix Ajax mykL babybay ConnorJ b1am
Team Liquid
iid rapha Minstrel MESR DaHanG AZK
Mangachu juv3nile Jer manOFsnow J3sus Sherlockey
Luminosity Gaming
EISSFELDT Ube Mineral SPREE SuperPlouk Hidan
FaZe Clan
Forsak3n ShaDowBurn zombs Rawkus MikeyA FCTFCTN
nomy GrimReality Agilities hyped Verbo Aythen

Team Name Changes[]

  • Renegades was known as Kingdom prior to Group Play
  • Ghost was known as Kungarna prior to Live Finals

Group Play Standings[]

Group Play Phase 1[]

January 3-5 and January 10-12

Team advanced to Group Play Phase 2. (Top 6)
Team Match Wins Match Losses Map Wins Map Losses Map Record Differential
Immortals 6 1 12 4 8
Ghost 5 2 12 5 7
Team Liquid 4 3 10 8 2
Renegades 4 3 10 6 4
Luminosity Gaming 4 3 10 9 1
compLexity Gaming 3 4 8 10 2
FaZe Clan 2 5 5 11 -6
Citizen7 0 7 0 14 -14

Group Play Phase 2[]

January 17-19

Standings carry over from Phase 1 to Phase 2.

Team advanced to Live Finals. (Top 4)
Team Match Wins Match Losses Map Wins Map Losses Map Record Differential
Immortals 10 2 21 9 12
Ghost 8 4 19 10 9
compLexity Gaming 7 5 16 15 1
Luminosity Gaming 6 6 14 16 -2
Team Liquid 6 6 16 15 1
Renegades 4 8 15 16 -2

Tiebreakers: Luminosity Gaming owns head-to-head tiebreaker over Team Liquid.

Live Finals Results[]

January 27-28 at PAX Area in San Antonio, Texas.

Immortals vs Luminosity Gaming (Semifinal)[]

January 27

Game Map Team 1 Score Team 2 Series
1 Dorado

Luminosity Gaming

1-3 Immortals Immortals 1-0
2 Temple of Anubis Luminosity Gaming 1-2 Immortals Immortals 2-0
3 Nepal Luminosity Gaming 0-3 Immortals Immortals Wins 3-0

compLexity Gaming vs Ghost (Semifinal)[]

January 27

Game Map Team 1 Score Team 2 Series
1 Route 66

compLexity Gaming

0-2 Ghost Ghost 1-0
2 King's Row compLexity Gaming 2-3 Ghost Ghost 2-0
3 Hollywood compLexity Gaming 3-4 Ghost

Ghost Wins 3-0

Luminosity Gaming vs compLexity Gaming (3rd Place)[]

January 28

Game Map Team 1 Score Team 2 Series
1 Temple of Anubis

Luminosity Gaming

4-4 compLexity Gaming Tied 0-0
2 Lijiang Tower

Luminosity Gaming

3-0 compLexity Gaming

Luminosity Gaming 1-0

3 King's Row Luminosity Gaming 5-4 compLexity Gaming

Luminosity Gaming 2-0

4 Hollywood Luminosity Gaming 4-5 compLexity Gaming Luminosity Gaming 2-1
5 Nepal Luminosity Gaming 1-3 compLexity Gaming Tied 2-2
6 Dorado Luminosity Gaming 1-0 compLexity Gaming Luminosity Gaming Wins 3-2

Immortals vs Ghost (Grand Final)[]

January 28

Game Map Team 1 Score Team 2 Series
1 Lijiang Tower


0-3 Ghost Ghost 1-0
2 Dorado


3-2 Ghost

Tied 1-1

3 Watchpoint: Gibraltar Immortals 2-1 Ghost

Immortals 2-1

4 Nepal Immortals 3-0 Ghost Immortals Wins 3-1

External Links[]

Overwatch Winter Premiere
