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Mystery Duel is an Arena game mode available in Arcade.


In Mystery Duel, each team is made of only one player. There is no objective in Mystery Duel; the only goal is to kill the enemy player.

Each round, both players will be randomly assigned a hero (excluding Lúcio, Mercy, symmetra, brigitte, zarya, winston, reinhart, d.va, torbjörn and bastion). The hero will be displayed at the beginning of the round in the victory pose either player has equipped.

If one player kills the other, that player receives a point and the next round begins. The game will continue until one player earns 5 points, winning the game.

After 2 minutes without either player dying an area will be marked. After another 30 seconds without a death, the area becomes a capture point, and the win will be awarded to whichever player captures it.


The maps available in Mystery Duel are Black Forest, Castillo, Ecopoint: Antarctica, and Necropolis. In Game Browser, the Elimination map list, which is also used for the Mystery Duel rule set, also includes the redesigned Control sub-maps.


  • If either player leaves the game, the other player will automatically win.
    • The quitter will also forfeit their Play of the Game; the Play of the Game of that match will show the Highlight from the other player instead, even if in that Highlight the other player did nothing or was dying.

See Also[]

Patch changes[]

  • Overwatchemblem black March 3, 2017 Patch: Fixed an issue preventing heroes in 1v1 Mystery Duel from being shuffled correctly.
  • Overwatchemblem black December 13, 2016 Patch: Console only: Fixed a bug that prevented Ana from being selected in 1v1 matches. Fixed a bug preventing BattleTags from being displayed correctly during Highlight Intros and Plays of the Game in 1v1 and 3v3 matches.
  • Overwatchemblem black November 30, 2016 Patch: Fixed a bug that prevented Ana from being selected in 1v1 matches.
  • Overwatchemblem black November 15, 2016 Patch: Arcade added. Loading screen now displays the name of the chosen game mode when playing in the Arcade.