“ | I'll be watching over you.
” |
Mercy is one of the heroes in Overwatch. She is a nanobiologist and a field medic who always stays at the frontline of wars and crises around the world to heal the wounded and imperiled.
Mercy’s Valkyrie Suit helps keep her close to teammates like a guardian angel so Mercy can heal, resurrecting or strengthening them with the beams emanating from her Caduceus Staff.
A guardian angel to those who come under her care, Dr. Angela Ziegler is a peerless healer, a brilliant scientist, and a staunch advocate for peace.
Ziegler rose to become the head of surgery at a prominent Swiss hospital before pioneering a breakthrough in the field of applied nanobiology that radically improved the treatment of life-threatening illnesses and injuries. It was this expertise that attracted the attention of Overwatch.
Because her parents had been taken by war, Ziegler was opposed to the organization's militaristic approach to keeping global peace. Ultimately, she recognized that Overwatch offered her the opportunity to save lives on a much larger scale. As Overwatch's head of medical research, Angela sought to leverage her work for healing in frontline crises. The result was the Valkyrie swift-response suit, which Ziegler herself piloted on many Overwatch missions.
Despite her contributions to Overwatch, she was often at odds with her superiors and the organization's overarching aims. When Overwatch dissolved, Ziegler dedicated herself to helping those affected by war.
Though she spends most of her time caring for the broken and dispossessed in crisis areas around the world, Dr. Ziegler can be counted on to don her Valkyrie suit whenever innocents are imperiled.

Primary fire: Healing Beam
Ally-targeting healing beam type
55 (60) healing per second
15 (30) m range
10 m radius
Lasts until manually disconnected, or 2 seconds after blocked
Secondary fire: Damage-boosting Beam
Ally-targeting buff beam type
+30% damage dealt
15 (30) m range
10 m radius
Lasts until manually disconnected, or 2 seconds after blocked
Mercy engages one of two beams that connect to an ally. By maintaining the beams, she can either restore that ally's health or increase the amount of damage they deal.
Primary Fire Key: (

Secondary Fire Key: (

Switch Key: (

Linear projectile type
20 (∞) rounds per clip
1.5-second reload
20 damage
5 shots per second
50 (100) m/s projectile speed
✔ Can headshot
Mercy shoots a round from her sidearm. It's best reserved for emergency personal defense.
Default Key: (

Switch Key: (

Ally-targeting non-damaging movement type
30 (60) m range
17 m/s movement speed
1.5-second cooldown
Mercy flies towards a targeted ally, allowing her to reach them quickly and provide assistance in crucial moments.
Default Key: (

Single-target resurrection type
5 m range
1.375 m/s movement speed
1.75 sec cast time
Lasts 2.25 seconds
30-second cooldown
Mercy radiates restorative power, bringing nearby dead allies back into the fight with full health.
Default Key: (

Non-damaging movement type
Propelled by her Valkyrie suit, Mercy slows the speed of her descent from great heights.
Default Key: (

Alternate Key: (

Passive healing type
20 healing per second
1 (0) sec buffer
Mercy automatically heals over time.
Default Key: (Passive)
In addition to these abilities, Mercy is able to jump, crouch, reload her Caduceus Blaster (only when her ammo is not full), and perform Quick Melee while using her Caduceus Staff and Caduceus Blaster.
- All seasonal event items, which are marked with special event icons (
), are only available to be unlocked either through their respective Loot Boxes or by Credits within the event's duration. During the event, newly-introduced event items cost three times as much as non-event items of the same rarity, while returning seasonal items are unlocked at the regular price.
- For all of Mercy's skins and weapons, see Mercy/Skins and Weapons.
Common |
Rare |
Epic |
Legendary |
• The Pink skin was only available for purchase of $14.99 in May 2018.
• The 2019 Atlantic All-Star skin was only available for purchase of 200 Overwatch League Tokens in May 2019.
• The Dr. Ziegler skin was only available for free during Mercy’s Recall Challenge in November 2019.
Common |
Epic |
- Note:
- This emote, after activating, will remain in its animation until the player inputs other actions to interrupt it.
Victory Poses[]
Common |
Rare |
Voice Lines[]
- For Mercy-specific sprays, see Mercy/Sprays.
Highlight Intros[]
Common |
Epic |
One purchase of an alternate weapon skin will apply to the Caduceus Staff and Caduceus Blaster of all unlocked skins when equipping it.
Default |
Alternate |

Restore 200 health for 5 players without dying as Mercy in quick or competitive play.
Reward: Pixel Spray

Mercy using her Resurrect ability
When Ziegler became Overwatch's head of medical research, she developed the Valkyrie swift-response suit so her technology could be taken to the battlefield. She donned the suit, and took the call sign of "Mercy" and became Overwatch's frontline medic. Later, she helped to save the life of Genji when he was nearly killed by Hanzo. She also collaborated with Torbjörn to design a prototype Biotic Rifle; she did it reluctantly because she did not want her technology to be applied to a weapon.[1]
After the Overwatch Swiss Headquarters were destroyed, Mercy attended a UN committee to explain how the relationship between Jack Morrison and Gabriel Reyes decayed and became violent. Unfortunately, even the young head of medical research wasn't spared from the fallout of the Overwatch collapse. Angela's professional reputation became so damaged that she changed to working in aid camps and bounced around the world to where people only knew her as Dr. Angela Ziegler, not Mercy. Projects that she had devoted almost a decade of her life to had either been scrapped, sold, or reassigned out of her control. The few friends that she had made in Overwatch were scattered throughout the world, though she still kept tabs on them. However, even after Overwatch was disbanded, Angela still felt guilt over the problems that the orgainization left behind, and decided to help.
The guilt Angela felt led her to an aid camp on the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt, where she tried to help its people, as Overwatch had been responsible for much of the country’s suffering. She did not receive a warm welcome when she arrived with people telling her to "Go home, you’ve done enough damage". Yet she stayed and remained for the better part of two years. While living there, both Ana and Jack visited her apartment to get Jack's back treated after being shot by Reaper during the events of Old Soldiers. They refused to tell her how Jack got injured.
During the recall, Mercy was in Iraq.
Around Christmas time, Mercy is seen reading a letter while inside a hospital tent, presumably from Genji.[2]
A year after the recall, Mercy arrives at Paris to help assist Winston, Tracer, Mei, Genji, Reinhardt, Brigitte, and Echo defeat Null Sector units and the Titan. Victorious, Mercy officially rejoins Overwatch.
Mercy heads to Rio de Janeiro with the other Overwatch members, where another Null Sector invasion is held. After meeting Lúcio, Mercy is tasked with Winston to get civilians to safety while Genji and Brigitte keep Null Sector busy.
Mercy is a slender young woman with light skin and platinum blonde hair tied in a ponytail. She wears a white suit with black accents, orange-yellow ombre fabric attached on the front and back of her suit, dark boots, a gold halo-shaped headband on her head, and a pair of white mechanical wings on her back.
In Overwatch 2, Mercy’s Valkyrie suit is more detailed with brown accents, gray gloves, additional yellow armor on her hips, silver boots, mechanical wings with yellow accents. Her hair is now styled in a neck-length haircut with her gold halo headband, now worn backwards.
Per her code name, Mercy is an adamant pacifist that always wishes to avoid violent approaches whenever possible. She is very kind and gentle, consistently caring for the well being of the sick and injured. She also loves peace and quiet, taking the time to treasure those moments before a match starts.
While she is devoted to Overwatch, Mercy opposes its militaristic methods when it comes to global crises. She also believes that it's best for it to be kept shutdown, according to her dialogue in Watchpoint: Gibraltar.
• Ana: Mercy was once a former comrade of Overwatch’s second-in-command, Ana Amari. Ana’s Biotic Rifle was made against the doctor’s wishes. Mercy offers to fix Ana’s cybernetic eye, but she refuses. The two reunite in Cairo sometime later. After managing to chase away an attack caused by Talon, Ana offers Mercy to join her and Jack Morrison in putting an end to the terrorist organization, but Mercy refuses, preferring to stay in Cairo to help the injured.
• Baptiste: Mercy and Baptiste had a good friendship sometime in the past. They are happy to be working together again. In Baptiste’s past, he attempts to contact Angela about an upcoming attack by Talon.
• Brigitte: Both Mercy and Brigitte compliment each other on how they both look strange in their armor. Mercy later helps Brigitte and other Overwatch members stop a Null Sector invasion in Paris. In Rio de Janeiro, Mercy is tasked with Winston to get civilians to safety while Brigitte keeps Null Sector busy with Genji.
• Genji: When working as head medic of Overwatch in the past, Mercy was able to save Genji’s life when he was on the verge of death. Since then, the two have formed a very strong bond. She helps Genji on a mission to chase down Maximilien in Havana, Cuba with Tracer and Winston. After Overwatch’s disbandment, Mercy received a letter and feather around Christmas time (presumably from Genji). On Valentine’s Day, Mercy and Genji share chocolates with each other in Hanamura.
• Lúcio: Mercy is fascinated on how Lúcio’s father invented Viskar Sonic Technology. She later assists Lúcio on a mission to stop a Null Sector invasion in Rio de Janeiro.
• McCree: Mercy warns McCree that smoking is bad for his health, though he is sure the doctor can still cure him.
• Mei: Mercy is interested in knowing Mei’s secret to slow-aging process. She later assists Mei in stopping Null Sector invasions in Paris and Rio de Janeiro.
• Moira: Mercy has always disproved Moira’s work as unethical. The two has had a tough relationship in the past.
• Pharah: Mercy tells Pharah that her mother would be proud to see her daughter saving lives now.
• Reaper: Mercy has always disproved Reyes’s impulsive actions that led to the disbandment of Overwatch.
• Reinhardt: Mercy asks Reinhardt if he would ever consider retiring, but he refuses. She also disproves Reinhardt bringing Brigitte on his adventures. Mercy later assists Reinhardt in stopping Null Sector invasions in Paris and Rio de Janeiro.
• Soldier: 76: Mercy first met Morrison when she was recruited into joining Overwatch as its head medic. At first disproved, Mercy was offered to saved lives on a much larger scale so she joined. After Overwatch’s disbandment, Mercy felt Morrison’s choices and Reyes’s action are responsible for politics disbanding the organization in the first place. She and Morrison later reunite in Cairo when Talon attacked. After chasing the terrorist organization away, Morrison offers Ziegler to join him and Ana on their mission, but she refuses, preferring to stay and help lives.
• Tracer: Mercy is worried about Tracer’s chronal accelerator, knowing there could be unknown side effects. 7 years ago, Mercy assists Tracer on a mission to stop Null Sector in King’s Row. A year later, she joins on a mission, led by Tracer, to track down Maximilien in Havana, Cuba. A year after the recall, Mercy helps Tracer in stopping Null Sector invasions in Paris and Rio de Janeiro.
• Torbjörn: Mercy is a longtime friend of the Lindholm. As she disproves Reinhardt bringing Brigitte on his adventures, Torbjörn supports his daughter’s decision. Mercy also misses Ingrid’s apple pies during the holidays.
• Winston: Mercy asks Winston if he is experiencing any issues with his genetic therapy. 6 years ago, Mercy assists Winston on a mission to track down Maximilien in Havana, Cuba. A year after the recall, Mercy helps Winston in stopping Null Sector invasions in Paris and Rio de Janeiro.
• Zenyatta: Both Mercy and Zenyatta do not understand how each other’s healing works.
- For more detailed tips as well as hero matchups, see Mercy/Strategy.
- Other than the blaster, most of Mercy's abilities don't involve engagement in a battle, thus she should always try to position herself away from the enemies' fire while giving herself a good distance and line of sight to properly aid her allies.
- Your main objective is to heal and stay alive; a dead healer heals no one. Don't go to a critically injured player who is surrounded by enemies, you will only give the enemy a double kill.
- Tracking enemy ultimates can prevent you from dying whenever resurrecting an ally or activating Valkyrie.
- Caduceus Staff
- The connection of the beam requires the line of sight from the beam, not Mercy herself. Thus, as long as the beam doesn't get interrupted by an obstacle, there's no need to look directly at the beamed ally.
- Thus, players should utilize that chance to look around for any other injured allies, favorable covers, or even potential flankers.
- When paired with a hero such as Bastion or a sniper who stays in one place, she can be particularly helpful by using her Caduceus Staff, giving them a damage boost.
- Extra damage from Mercy's damage boost is calculated when the enemy receives damage from the damage-boosted ally, not when it is fired, or when said damage source is traveling midway.
- This opens up to a lot of interesting options of damage boost, as it can boost the damage caused by Hanzo's ultimate (both the arrow and the dragons), Widowmaker's Venom Mine, Mei's ultimate, and even D.Va's ultimate if Mercy damage boosts the respective character. It is, however, not applicable to Junkrat's RIP-Tire or Torbjorn and Symmetra's turrets.
- Boosted damage charges Mercy's ultimate, thus damage boosting ultimates can also yield a lot of charge to her, especially when boosting ultimates such as McCree's Deadeye or D.Va's Self-Destruct, where her ultimate charge will spike (however, damage to barriers will not charge her ultimate).
- As Mercy is the only healer and the only other character in general who can fly (besides Pharah), damage boosting a Pharah can be incredibly helpful to both players.
- Caduceus Blaster
- With its low damage potential, it should not be overused, though will aid Mercy greatly in close-quarter and mid-range flights. However, the lack of both damage falloff and bullet trails means she can still use it effectively to take out Symmetra's turret or harass an unaware sniper without giving away too much of her position.
- As a last-resort type arsenal, the blaster is reliable for accuracy in close-quarter to mid-range combats, thus players should aim for headshots as much as they can to get a better chance at winning 1v1s.
- Never be afraid to pull out the blaster when in danger and unable to fly into safety with Guardian Angel, or if the latter solution poses more danger.
- Mercy's blaster is very powerful. Whenever nano-boosted or in Valkyrie, it can easily destroy a tank if you land the headshots. Never underestimate a Mercy, the gun may look small, but can do a whole lot of damage.
- Guardian Angel
- With an extremely low cooldown and high movement speed, this ability should be used often as it is essential for Mercy to be agile, be it to effectively support an ally in need, retreat to a safer place, or to make herself a harder target to hit in general. Even though it may have a 2-second cooldown, if you accidentally hit it or hold it for too long, it can easily get you killed.
- Mercy also benefits greatly from the ability of the team is moderately scattered (whilst coordinated). Hanzo/Widowmaker, Pharah, and Reinhardt often perform best in different positions and Mercy can utilize all those positions when she needs to.
- Mid-flight you can press the assigned button to cancel the flight (if Toggle Guardian Angel is set to "on"). Using this technique can prevent you from accidentally going out of position. Moving forward while in flight will affect where you land.
- If Mercy is falling off the map, using Guardian Angel on an ally standing near the edge (just in the line of sight) can save her from falling to her death.
- Mercy's Guardian Angel game options can give herself meta benefits:
- Guardian Angel prefers beam target: when a beamed ally is out of sight, Mercy can still fly to them (given the beam still connects), hitting an obstacle in the process. This can be extremely useful if she needs to fly to another cover or prevent herself from accidentally flying straight into the fray of enemies.
- Toggle Guardian Angel: when turned on, she can fly to an ally with just one click, thus allowing her to focus more on the battle. However, when turned off, she needs to hold the button, and the game will make constant checks on whether she flies to an ally or not. This means that when Mercy's falling off the map and an ally was in her line of sight for one frame, one frame can save her from death where sheer human reactions couldn't.
- Mercy can use Guardian Angel to "slingshot" in front of a teammate. First, hit or hold shift (depending on settings), then hit space as soon as Mercy is in front of her teammate, and hold space to use Angelic Descent when she passes them.
- Valkyrie resets the cooldown of Guardian Angel on the cast. You can use this to your advantage for extra mobility, especially if you're being chased down.
- Angelic Descent
- While it slows Mercy's rate of falling, giving a greater chance for her to be aware of surroundings, take note that it can make her an easier target to enemies while she's airborne.
- If she falls off the map, Angelic Descent gives her more time for another ally to appear in her line of sight as she flies to safety using Guardian Angel.
- Resurrect
- While resurrect often has a high value when the other team gets a pick, it can backfire if you end up dying while attempting to resurrect. It's important to realize there are certain times where it's not worth it to resurrect a teammate, even if they have a valuable ultimate. Because of the cast time of 1.75 seconds, it's best to ask for a barrier or for a shield tank to step up.
- When planning to resurrect a teammate, consider the following:
- Is the fight already won? If your team already has three picks and the enemy team only has one, it's best to not resurrect that teammate. The enemy team cannot go in with half of their team dead. Your teammate can surely make it back in time for the next team fight.
- Can I get out safely after I've resurrected my teammate? If you're going to end up dying after you resurrect a teammate, it's best to let them walk back from spawn, unless they have a valuable ultimate that'll help win the fight. It's best to immediately guardian angel away after you've completed the resurrect. If the person you've resurrected is getting attacked, you can attach your healing beam and guardian angel away fairly easily.
- Mercy's English voice actress was changed during the beta.
- Mercy was the first hero to have an ultimate ability changed.
- Besides Ana, Mercy is the only hero whose in-game voice line differs from her catchphrase on the official website. Her original catchphrase is "Heroes Never Die", which is her ultimate activation voice line. Her in-game catchphrase (activates when a player switches to Mercy) is "I'll be watching over you."
- In the Summer Games, Mercy's signature sport is Badminton.
- Mercy's voice line "Piece of cake" was redubbed in the September 22, 2016, PTR update.[3]
- Mercy's Fortune skin was previously named "Golden". The reason for the name change is unknown.
- In the Overwatch animated short Recall, Mercy is seen in her witch costume in a photograph with Torbjörn. This same picture can be seen in the attackers' first spawn point on Watchpoint: Gibraltar, as well as on the MV-261 Orca.
- Mercy is the only hero that has 4 different specific skin's ultimate lines. Those skins are: Sigrun/Valkyrie, Devil/Imp, Witch and Winged Victory.
- Mercy’s 2019 Atlantic All-Star skin was created by a Blizzard's worker/Twitch Streamer named Lorraine Diaz, known as Rare Orchid online.
Other Blizzard games[]
- Mercy Wings is a vanity item in Diablo III; the pair of wings are modeled after those of Mercy's Valkyrie suit.
Cultural references[]
- On some of her skins, a logo is featured on the left shoulder of her suit that says "Primum non-nocere", which is Latin for "First, do no harm". In modern culture, it is believed that this phrase is the first part of the Hippocratic Oath. But this is a misconception, for the phrase does not appear in the oath, although the oath does contain some part that has a similar meaning. The exact phrase is believed to have originated with the 19th-century surgeon Thomas Inman.
- Mercy's primary and secondary weapons are actually named incorrectly. They reference the Caduceus, a mythological staff held by the Roman god Mercury, which has two coiled snakes. The Caduceus is often mistakenly used as a symbol of medicine. The similar-looking Rod of Asclepius, which has one snake, is the correct symbol.
- Mercy's skins "Sigrún" and "Valkyrie" are a reference to the Norse mythological beings called Valkyries. Valkyries are female demigods who determine the fate of warriors in battle and escort their souls to the hall of the slain, Valhalla, in the afterlife.
- The "Sigrún" skin is also an homage to the Valkyrie Sigrún.
- A lot of her voice lines, such as "On a scale of one to ten, how is your pain?" and "Need a second opinion?" are common tools or phrases used by medical practitioners.
Patch changes[]
- For changes made to Mercy's abilities, see Caduceus Staff, Caduceus Blaster, Guardian Angel, Resurrect, Angelic Descent, Regeneration, and Valkyrie.
- ↑ Ana's Merciful skin's lore information
- ↑ Reflections
- ↑ Voice line's change
Mercy Navigation | ||
General | Main • Quotes • Gallery • Skins and Weapons • Sprays | |
Abilities | Caduceus Staff • Caduceus Blaster • Guardian Angel • Resurrect • Angelic Descent • Regeneration • Valkyrie | |
Lore | Organizations | Overwatch |
Character relationships | Genji • Jack Morrison | |
Locations | Swiss Headquarters | |
Others | Biotic Field • Biotic Rifle • Biotic Grenade | |
Media | Animated Shorts | We Are Overwatch |
Comics | Uprising |
Overwatch Navigation | ||
Members | Founders | Jack Morrison • Gabriel Reyes • Ana Amari • Reinhardt Wilhelm • Torbjörn Lindholm • Mina Liao |
Agents | Mercy • Winston • Tracer • Gérard Lacroix | |
Blackwatch | McCree • Genji • Moira | |
Other | Mei • Director Petras • Mirembe • Kimiko • Singh • Bayless • Al-Farouk • Soundquake • Fusionator | |
Media | Shorts | Cinematic Trailer • Recall • King's Row Uprising Origin Story • Doomfist Origin Story • Rise and Shine • Honor and Glory |
Comics | Legacy • Junkenstein • Uprising • Retribution | |
Articles | Fading Glory • Overwatch is Back | |
Lore | Bases | Swiss Headquarters • Watchpoint: Gibraltar • Ecopoint: Antarctica • Watchpoint: Grand Mesa |
Vehicles | MV-261 Orca • OSS-7 Aurora | |
Enemies | Omnic Rebel Army • Talon • Null Sector • Shimada Clan • Deadlock Gang | |
Missions | Omnic Crisis • Uprising |
Heroes in Overwatch | |
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