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Lucio wallride
Hover Jets
Non-damaging movement type
+43% per second
2 seconds recharge time
5.5 m/s movement speed
Lasts 2 seconds or until stopped
Pharah hovers in mid-air.
Default Key: (PC Space, PS X, XB A)
Alternate Key: (PC RMB, PS L2, XB LT)


Holding down the jump key allows Pharah to hover, gaining a small amount of altitude. A fuel meter will appear next to the crosshair while in use. It takes two seconds to deplete all fuel and two seconds of disuse to refill.

Pharah is more mobile in flight, as she can access higher points and activate Barrage in mid-flight. This could easily make for an easy area clearing while her Concussive Blast is cooling down.


  • The player can use the secondary fire button to activate the Hover Jets, instead of the jump button. This is generally seen to be inefficent, as Pharah's jump is not triggered when pressing the secondary fire, so the player does not benefit from the extra bit of height it provides.

Patch changes[]

  • Overwatchemblem black March 11, 2021 Patch: Hover Jets regeneration rate increased from 35 to 43.
  • Overwatchemblem black January 24, 2017 Patch: Fixed a bug preventing Pharah from being able to refuel while standing in some planters in Oasis.
  • Overwatchemblem black February 9, 2016 (beta) Patch: Will no longer refuel while Pharah is sliding on an un-walkable surface

Pharah Navigation
General MainQuotesGallerySkins and WeaponsSprays
Abilities Rocket LauncherConcussive BlastJump JetHover JetsBarrage
Lore Organizations OverwatchHelix Security International
Character relationships Ana AmariSamAnubis
Locations Temple of AnubisGiza Plateau
Media Comic Shorts Mission Statement
Animated Shorts We Are OverwatchAna Origin Story