The Highlights menu houses the player's collection of short clips saved from previous matches.
Today's Top 5[]
Select highlights, including Play of the Game highlights, will be automatically generated during the player's gameplay. These highlights will be in a section called "Today's Top 5" and will persist for 24 hours, or until the game client is patched.
Recently Captured[]
Players can also capture the last 12 seconds of their gameplay by pressing the key or button bound to "Request Highlight" in the Options Menu. These highlights will appear in the "Recently Captured" section of the Highlights menu. Players can capture up to 3 highlights per round and can have up to 36 of these highlights stored at a time.They will remain stored until they're deleted, or the game client is patched.
Players can also capture a Play of the Game when it is shown at the end of a match using the same key.
Saved Highlights[]
Highlights can be saved as a video, which will persist even after the game is patched. Whenever a highlight is saved, it will be copied onto their platform's social media library (on console) or directory (on PC). On PC, players can also change various video quality settings before recording a highlight.
- If a highlight achieves Play of the Game of that match, the text will read "Play of the Game" rather than "Highlight".
Patch changes[]