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Overwatch Wiki
Hero Gallery

The Hero Gallery is a section accessed in the Main Menu where players can customize their heroes, view heroes' items, equip the items they unlocked from Loot Boxes, and spend Credits or Competitive Points to further unlock new items. Some pre-order bonuses, Origins Edition bonuses, achievements rewards, and seasonal events items (after the event ends) are shown in the gallery but cannot be unlocked with Credits or Competitive Points.


In the Hero Gallery, heroes are listed in the alphabet order. In each hero's section, players can access the items, categorized as below:

  • Skins: Each hero has at least 11 skins, with 1 default Classic skin, 4 Rare skins, 2 Epic skins and 4 Legendary skins that are available to buy or get in loot boxes any time in the regular version of the game. Some heroes have extra skins, from pre-order bonuses, Origins Edition bonuses, seasonal events items and other occasions.
  • Emotes: Each hero has one default Heroic emote and other emotes. Almost all emotes are Epic, except for some in Legendary. Some heroes have extra emotes from seasonal events items.
  • Victory Poses: Each hero has one default Heroic victory pose and three other victory poses. All victory poses are Rare. Some heroes have extra victory poses from seasonal events items.
  • Voice Lines: Each hero has one default voice line and ten other voice lines. All voice lines are Common. Some heroes have extra lines from seasonal events items.
  • Sprays: Each hero has one default Overwatch logo spray, individual unique sprays (2 of them have to be unlocked through achievements), and other common sprays (some of them have to be unlocked through achievements). All sprays are Common. Seasonal events also added some extra sprays (both common and unique) for all heroes.
  • Highlight Intros: Each hero has one default Heroic highlight intro and three other highlight intros. All highlight intros are Epic. There is also an option to show highlight intros randomly in Play of the Game or Highlights. Some heroes have extra highlight intros from seasonal events items.
  • Voice lines Each hero has one default voice line and can unlock 19 more. You can unlock more opening loot boxes Some heroes have extra Voice lines from seasonal events items.
  • Weapons: There are only two options, leaving the weapon skin as the skin's default (under the option which name is the same as equipped skin) or equipping a golden skin (under the option Golden). To unlock the golden skin, the player has to spend

Competpoints blackborder 3000.


The price of items in the Hero Gallery is always fixed based on their rarity and quality:

  • Common: Credits 25
  • Rare: Credits 75
  • Epic: Credits 250
  • Legendary: Credits 1000
  • Golden Weapons: Competpoints blackborder 3000

Seasonal event items can be bought while the event is running. The price for newly introduced seasonal items will be thrice the price of normal items of the same rarity, while the returned seasonal items will be at the same price as normal ones:

  • For newly introduced items:
    • Common: Credits 75
    • Rare: Credits 225
    • Epic: Credits 750
    • Legendary: Credits 3000
  • For returned items:
    • Common: Credits 25
    • Rare: Credits 75
    • Epic: Credits 250
    • Legendary: Credits 1000


Example of symbols used in Overwatch, in Zenyatta's Victory Poses option.

The Hero Gallery use a number of symbol to signify the origin, the occurrence, or the availability of an item.

  • A green check is used to mark the currently equipped item.
  • A lock symbol to mark items not yet unlocked. Clicking on the locked item will prompt the player whether to spend Credits to unlock it.
  • Event/special symbol:
    • Blizzard Item Icon A letter B in a 12-point star symbol to mark items originating from Origins Edition, pre-order purchase, or real-world event (for example, BlizzCon).
    • Summer Games Item Icon A Summer Games logo symbol to mark items belonging to the Summer Games event series.
    • Halloween Terror Item Icon A jack-o'-lantern symbol to mark items belonging to the Halloween Terror event series.
    • Winter Wonderland Item Icon A snowflake symbol to mark items belonging to the Winter Wonderland event series.
    • Year of the Rooster Item Icon A rooster symbol to mark items belonging to the Lunar New Year event series.
    • Uprising Item Icon A Null Sector symbol to mark items belonging to the Uprising event series.

Hero info and tutorial videos[]

Through a particular hero section, players are able to access hero info by clicking on the Hero Info button (or function+F1 in PC version, alternatively). The info section will display the hero's name, role, difficulty, and their tutorial videos for each ability. The tutorial videos are only able to be watched in the Hero Gallery, and cannot be accessed in in-match hero info.


Decked Out

Collect 50 unlocks for a single hero.
Reward: Oops Spray

Patch changes[]

  • Overwatchemblem black November 13, 2018 Patch: Removed the “Unlock All” option in the Hero Gallery; Fixed an issue that caused some heroes legs to twitch when viewed in the Hero Gallery; Fixed a bug that prevented players from rotating heroes in the Hero Gallery while the UI was hidden.
  • Overwatchemblem black September 11, 2018 Patch: "Filter" added.
  • Overwatchemblem black August 9, 2018 Patch: Added a What’s New option that displays new unlockable content.
  • Overwatchemblem black December 12, 2017 Patch: Players can now clear new item notifications with the “Mark All As Seen” button in the Hero Gallery.
  • Overwatchemblem black January 24, 2017 Patch: Players can now equip up to 4 emotes, sprays, and voice lines from within the Hero Gallery.
  • Overwatchemblem black January 12, 2017 Patch: Decreased the volume of passing cars with the Oasis background in the Hero Gallery.
  • Overwatchemblem black December 13, 2016 Patch: D.Va’s video tutorial now includes changes made to her Defense Matrix resource mechanics.
  • Overwatchemblem black October 11, 2016 Patch: Hero Gallery now signify which items were unlocked during the Overwatch Halloween Terror event. Heroes that appeared on the main menu screen are no longer visible in the background while viewing items in the hero gallery.
  • Overwatchemblem black September 23, 2016 Patch: Fixed an issue that was incorrectly displaying a top 500 icon for certain players, even though they had not yet broken into the top 500.
  • Overwatchemblem black September 1, 2016 Patch:  Sit and laugh emotes are now unlockable for all heroes. New Legendary skins have been added for Reinhardt.
  • Overwatchemblem black July 21, 2016 Patch: The “You Are Not Prepared” spray and Player Icon is now available for all players.
  • Overwatchemblem black July 19, 2016 Patch: The Hero Gallery now remembers the last hero you were looking at and will properly highlight that hero whenever returning to the gallery. Renamed five sprays to avoid duplicate titles.
  • Overwatchemblem black June 28, 2016 Patch: "Weapons" section added to the Hero Gallery. Fixed a bug that caused Hearthstone-themed sprays to ignore localization.
  • Overwatchemblem black April 19, 2016 (beta) Patch: Removed some of the less popular sprays.
  • Overwatchemblem black April 13, 2016 (beta) Patch:  New Legendary skins have been added for several heroes, including: Genji, and Pharah.
  • Overwatchemblem black April 6, 2016 (beta) Patch: Several new sprays have been added for Bastion, Mei, Mercy, Pharah, and Winston.
  • Overwatchemblem black April 5, 2016 (beta) Patch: Several new sprays, player icons, and voice lines have been added; some of the less popular sprays and voice lines have been removed. New Legendary skins have been added for several heroes, including: Bastion, D.Va, Genji, Junkrat, Lúcio, Mei, Pharah, Reaper, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Soldier: 76, Widowmaker, Zarya. Origins Edition skins can now be equipped.
  • Overwatchemblem black March 22, 2016 (beta) Patch: New Legendary skins have been added for several heroes, including: D.Va, Junkrat, Reaper, Torbjörn.
  • Overwatchemblem black March 8, 2016 (beta) Patch: Signature, cheer, and taunt emote rewards are now available for all heroes. Default emotes have been added for all heroes and are immediately available in the communications wheel. Several new sprays have been added. And New Legendary skins have been added for several heroes, including: Bastion, Lúcio, McCree, Pharah, Reinhardt, and Soldier: 76.
  • Overwatchemblem black March 1, 2016 (beta) Patch: All sprays and voice lines are now considered “Common”. All player icons and victory poses are now considered “Rare” (excluding default icons and poses).
  • Overwatchemblem black February 9, 2016 (beta) Patch: Hero Gallery added.

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