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Icon heavypulserifle
Heavy Pulse Rifle
Rapid fire hitscan type
30 rounds per clip
1.5 (0.75)-second reload
9.5 - 19 damage
30 - 50 m falloff range
8.66 shots per second
✔ Subject to falloff damage
✔ Can headshot
Soldier: 76’s rifle remains particularly steady while unloading fully-automatic pulse fire.
Default Key: (PC LMB, PS R2, XB RT)


Soldier: 76's primary fire is a rapid fire hitscan. Each bullet can headshot and is subject to damage falloff. The Heavy Pulse Rifle has no bullet spread, but the constant recoil means that his gun will move upwards as he continuously shots. Therefore, the player must constant control his crosshairs.

The viewmodel of the weapon has a visual counter of shots remaining before needing to reload, which can be found below the sights towards the rear of the gun. The counter will change color depending on the amount of shots left, glowing blue when at full capacity and turning orange when less than half of the ammo remains. This visual display can change with his other skins' weapon models.



  • The Heavy Pulse Rifle was originally kept at the former Overwatch base Watchpoint: Grand Mesa before being stolen by Soldier: 76. [1] It is described as a "highly advanced weapon, originally developed by Overwatch".
  • Its recoil compensation allows for accurate, sustained fire.[2]

Patch changes[]

  • Overwatchemblem black October 13, 2020 Patch:  Bullet spread removed, Constant recoil added, Bullet damage reduced from 20 to 19, Ammo increased from 25 to 30.
  • Overwatchemblem black February 26, 2019 Patch: Damage increased from 19 to 20.
  • Overwatchemblem black October 9, 2018 Patch: Number of shots until reaching maximum spread increased from 6 to 9.
  • Overwatchemblem black July 24, 2018 Patch: Minimum damage at max range increased from 30% to 50%.
  • Overwatchemblem black May 23, 2017 Patch: Bullet damage decreased from 20 to 19
  • Overwatchemblem black November 15, 2016 Patch: Bullet damage increased from 17 to 20. Maximum bullet spread increased from 2.2 to 2.4.
  • Overwatchemblem black September 1, 2016 Patch: Bullet spread now happens more quickly when unloading fully-automatic pulse fire. Significantly increased bullet spread recovery time.
  • Overwatchemblem black July 19, 2016 Patch: Spread recovery will begin after a short delay (rather than instantly)
  • Overwatchemblem black February 9, 2016 (beta) Patch: New reticle added; Long-range damage falloff added; Spread recovery now begins instantly, instead of after a delay; Spread now has a curve, which makes it more accurate at the start but then quickly becomes less accurate


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