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Overwatch Wiki

Ayutthaya is one of the locations in Overwatch. It is a Capture the Flag and a Arena map.



  • The map is divided into two sides. One side is more modern and fancy. The other is an older temple look. Each side is symetrical in terms of lay out and hitboxes however.
  • The map was originally released as a Capture the Flag map, but was later put into rotation for Elimination modes.
  • Originally, Athena pronounced the name of the map differently to what is in the current build of the game.

Patch changes[]


Maps in Overwatch
Assault Hanamura (Winter) •• Horizon Lunar Colony •• Paris •• Temple of Anubis •• Volskaya Industries
Escort Dorado •• Junkertown •• Rialto •• Route 66 •• Watchpoint: Gibraltar
Hybrid Blizzard World (Winter) •• Eichenwalde (Halloween) •• Hollywood (Halloween) •• King's Row (Winter) •• Numbani
Control Busan •• Ilios •• Lijiang Tower (Lunar) •• Nepal •• Oasis
Arcade Arena Black Forest (Winter) •• Castillo •• Ecopoint: Antarctica (Winter) •• Necropolis
CtF Ayutthaya •• Ilios Lighthouse | Well | Ruins •• Lijiang Night Market | Garden | Control Center •• Nepal Village | Shrine | Sanctum •• Oasis City Center | Gardens | University
Deathmatch Château Guillard (Halloween) •• Petra •• Kanezaka
Event Lúcioball Busan Stadium •• Estádio das Rãs •• Sydney Harbour Arena
Other Adlersbrunn •• Lijiang Tower (CtR) •• King's Row (Uprising) •• Rialto (Retribution)